Tescoma s.r.o. with its seat in Zlín maintains a stable leading position on the global market for the manufacture of kitchen utensils. We are a Czech company without foreign capital. Our business is concerned, in particular, with the development, research, design and the subsequent sale of name brand kitchen utensils. Our registered office is situated in Zlín, an industrial centre with a long entrepreneurial tradition that was developed from the first half of the 20th century by the world-famous footwear company Bata. We have devoted ourselves to these original principles since our incorporation in 1992: 1. Offer a wide range of products of excellent quality for favourable prices 2. Apply and develop our own original designs of kitchen utensils 3. Promote the brand and the reputation of the Czech Republic abroad Our range includes over 2,000 products for home cooking and professional catering, meal preparation, cooking, dining and presentation of meals. We are number one on the Czech and Slovak markets. We have several manufacturing centres, logistic and administrative centres abroad. Our products can be bought in more than 100 countries worldwide. The long successful presence of our brand on the international markets is founded on the following: we carry out research and development we create original design we use materials of excellent quality and take care to ensure perfect manufacture of our products we offer an exceptionally wide and comprehensive range of kitchen utensils
Код товара: | IT10420638 |
Бренд: | Tescoma |
5.81 EUR
5.81 EUR
Описание товара
Excellent for decorative cutting of potatoes, cucumbers, carrots and similar vegetables or fruits, butter, dough, etc., for decorative icing, etc. Made of high-grade stainless steel and resistant plastic. Dimensions: 10x10 cm
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